Crate cidr

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This library provides types to represent an IP network (Cidr) or an IP host withing a network (Inet)

The naming follows the names of the PostgreSQL data types

Address parsing also accepts IPv4 address with less than four octets (but always parses those as decimal); this is deprecated and will be removed in 0.3.0.

If the # flag is used with the Display formatting (i.e. {:#}) the prefix will be shown even for host addresses (added in 0.1.1).

§Feature no_unsafe

Enables #![forbid(unsafe_code)] for the whole crate; needs to use some workarounds that are likely slower than their unsafe variants.

§Feature std

Enabled by default, also mandatory right now because std::net isn’t available in core.

§Feature serde

This feature enables various types to be serialized using serde (without serde-derive).

In human readable formats the Display and FromStr interfaces are used. Otherwise all values are serialized in the same format (apart from the newtype wrapping) as a tuple of two values:

  • tag: u8:
    • 0x00...0x20: IPv4 with network length tag
    • 0x40...0xc0: IPv6 with network length tag - 0x40
    • 0xff: any
  • address according to tag: Ipv4Addr ([u8; 4]), Ipv6Addr ([u8; 16]) or ()

The represenation hasn’t been changed in 0.2; it is compatible with 0.1.

§Feature bitstring

This feature allows various types to be used as bitstring::BitString, which allows them being in used in containers like bitstring-trees.


  • Various error types returned by function in this crate
  • Extra parsers



  • Represents either an IPv4 or an IPv6 network or “any”.
  • Represents the type of an IP address
  • Cidr type representing either an IPv4 or an IPv6 network
  • Inet type representing either an IPv4 or an IPv6 host within a network
  • InetPair type representing either a pair of IPv4 host or a pair of IPv6 hosts within a network


  • Maps IP address type to other types based on this address type
  • Types implementing Cidr represent IP networks. An IP network in this case is a set of IP addresses which share a common prefix (when viewed as a bitstring). The length of this prefix is called network_length.
  • Types implementing Inet represent IP hosts within networks.
  • Pair of two addresses in the same network